¿Cuál ha sido el propósito de Dios al crearnos como hombres y mujeres? ¿Qué relación hay entre los anhelos más profundos del corazón y nuestra creación a imagen y semejanza de Dios? Christophe...
Christopher West es un conocido autor y conferenciante que se ha especializado en hacer accesible al público general las profundas y revolucionarias ideas de san Juan Pablo II en su Teología del cuerpo. Es fundador del Cor Project (corprojec...
Millie is having a bad day. Her book manuscript has been rejected, she has been fired from her job and then, on top of that, she witnesses a terrible hit-and-run collision.
The Story of St Katharineâs tells the fascinating story of 23 acres of land by the River Thames with a trading history that began in the 10th century. Queen Matilda inaugurated the ancient hospital of St Katharine in the 11th century...
Christopher West makes John Paul II's theology of the body available for the first time to people at all levels within the Christian community. Love, sexuality, and human flourishing are inseparable. Those who doubted this will find West's book...