Barbara Hannah, Jungian analyst and author, explores Jungs method of active imagination, often considered the most powerful tool in analytical psychology for achieving direct contact with the unconscious and attaining greater inner awareness. Using histor...
Aion, a major work from Jungs later years, has long been a source of fascination for a wide variety of scholars and thinkers. Presented here are two substantial commentaries concerning this rich and complex text by two important figures in Jungs life and...
Barbara Hannah was a close associate of Carl Gustav Jung. This book features a seminar she gave at the Psychological Club in 1954 about the images of the cat, the dog, and the horse in the psychological and cultural life of the western world. It also incl...
Barbara Hannah was a straightforward, modest, yet grand woman, a lover of literature and a colleague and friend of C. G. Jung, Emma Jung, and Marie-Louise von Franz. A first-generation Jungian psychologist, she was one of the original members of the Psych...
Barbara Hannah was a straightforward, modest-yet-grand woman, a lover of literature, and a colleague and friend of C. G. Jung, Emma Jung, and Marie-Louise von Franz. A first-generation Jungian psychologist, she was one of the original members of the Psych...
Barbara Hannah was a straightforward, modest, yet grand woman, a lover of literature and a colleague and friend of C. G. Jung, Emma Jung, and Marie-Louise von Franz. A first-generation Jungian psychologist, she was one of the original members of the Psych...
Aion, a major work from Jungs later years, has long been a source of fascination for a wide variety of scholars and thinkers. Presented here are two substantial commentaries concerning this rich and complex text by two important figures in Jungs life and...
Barbara Hannah was a straightforward, modest-yet-grand woman, a lover of literature, and a colleague and friend of C. G. Jung, Emma Jung, and Marie-Louise von Franz. A first-generation Jungian psychologist, she was one of the original members of the Psych...
Barbara Hannah studies the psychic processes that move people to strive for wholeness of personality, an integration of all innate capacities. Since this inner drama manifests itself with special intensity in the lives of creative individuals, she has...
La serpiente y el león conforma la segunda parte del ciclo de conferencias que Bárbara Hannah impartió acerca del "Simbolismo de los animales" en el Club de Psicología C.G. Jung, en Zurich entre 1954 y 1958, destinado...
Barbara Hannah was a close associate of Carl Gustav Jung. This book features a seminar she gave at the Psychological Club in 1954 about the images of the cat, the dog, and the horse in the psychological and cultural life of the western world. It also incl...
In The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals, Barbara Hannah, a student and a close friend of C.G. Jung, presents lectures on the symbolic meaning of several domestic and wild animals. According to Jung, the animal is sublime and, in fact, represents the "divin...
¿Que trata de decir un caballo loco cuando lo encontramos en nuestros sueños? Dicen que el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre, ¿Siempre fue asi? ¿Sabías que el "humor de perros", es un "humor de gatos"?...
Aion, a major work from Jungs later years, has long been a source of fascination for a wide variety of scholars and thinkers. Presented here are two substantial commentaries concerning this rich and complex text by two important figures in Jungs life and...