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Libros de Ward Farnsworth

  • Analista Juridico Duo,el

    • 350 páginas
    • El analista jurídico es un texto atípico en la bibliografía legal norteamericana, y está sin duda llamado a serlo también -si se atiende a su inveterada querencia por el positivismo- en la de lengua castellana. En una...
    47,37€ 45,00€
  • The Socratic Method: A Practitioner's Handbook

    • 243 páginas
    • A thinking person's guide to a better life. Ward Farnsworth explains what the Socratic method
    28,00€ 26,60€
  • Farnsworth's Classical English Style

    • Say it with style--on paper or in person. This book explains why the best writing sounds..
    28,00€ 26,60€
  • Predator At The Chessboard

    • Chess tactics explained in English: the website www.chesstactics.org in book form. This volume is the first in a two-part set. The two books together contain over a thousand examples organized in unprecedented detail. Every position is accompanied by a...
    24,78€ 23,54€
  • Predator At The Chessboard

    • Chess tactics explained in English: the second volume of material from www.chesstactics.org. This book is the second in a two-part set. The two books together contain over a thousand examples organized in unprecedented detail. Every position is accompanie...
    31,16€ 29,60€
  • Restitution: Civil Liability For Unjust Enrichment

    • Restitution is the body of law concerned with taking away gains that someone has wrongfully..
    35,06€ 33,31€
  • Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric

    • Rhetoric, one of the oldest academic disciplines, has two. faces: first, the art of using..
    28,00€ 26,60€