La física moderna ofrece numerosos avances sobre el origen y el funcionamiento del universo, conocimientos que se transmiten en forma de ecuaciones que, a menudo, nos parecen un galimatías.
Una síntesis ambiciosa e inspiradora escrita por uno de los mejores biólogos y más talentosos narradores. Las leyes del Serengeti es el primer libro que expone cómo funciona la vida a escalas tan diferentes. Después de...
El segundo volumen de la trilogía. de gran éxito internacional Las ideas. fundamentales del Universo, una. aventura que nos transporta a la. materia desnuda de la realidad.. Sean Carroll ha creado un enfoque. nuevo y revolucionario...
A partir de la entropía, la física cuántica, los viajes en el tiempo o el significado de la vida, Sean Carroll profundiza en uno de los grandes enigmas de la ciencia:
En American Splendor Harvey Pekar describe la vida cotidiana de la clase media norteamericana a través de su propia experiencia como archivero en un hospital público de Cleveland y de sus agitadas relaciones sentimentales, sin ocultar su...
Spacetime and Geometry is an introductory textbook on general relativity, specifically aimed at students. Using a lucid style, Carroll first covers the foundations of the theory and mathematical formalism, providing an approachable introduction to what...
Quanta and Fields , the second book of Sean Carroll's already internationally acclaimed series The Biggest Ideas in the Universe , is an adventure into the bare stuff of reality.
Quantum physics is not mystifying. The implications are mind-bending, and not yet fully understood, but this revolutionary theory is truly illuminating. It stands as the best explanation of the fundamental nature of our world.
"Sean Carroll is emerging as one of the greatest humanist thinkers of his generation as he brings his extraordinary intellect to bear not only on Higgs bosons and extra dimensions but now also on our deepest personal questions. Where are we? Who are...
Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist and one of this world's most celebrated writers on science, rewrites the history of 20th century physics. Already hailed as a masterpiece, Something Deeply Hidden shows for the first time that facing up to the essential...
Already internationally acclaimed for his elegant, lucid writing on the most challenging notions in modern physics, Sean Carroll is emerging as one of the greatest humanist thinkers of his generation as he brings his extraordinary intellect to bear not...
The only way to understand the origin of entropy is to understand the origin of the universe -- by asking what happened at the Big Bang, and even before. From Eternity to Here discusses how entropy relates to black holes, cosmology, information theory,...