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Libros de Patrick M. Lencioni

  • El Motivo

    • 160 páginas
    • Del mismo autor de "Las cinco disfunciones de un ejecutivo" y de "Equipos ideales" llega una actual, entretenida y profunda historia sobre liderazgo, con la cual se identificarán todas las personas que tenga gente a su cargo....
    12,00€ 11,40€
  • Cómo Motivar Y Comprometer A Los Empleados

    • 256 páginas
    • El nuevo director empezó cuando todos sus empleados se sentaron. Sin querer parecer ni listo ni sutil, Brian fue al grano: 'Que levanten la mano aquellos a los que les guste su trabajo'.ada.a gente se miraba como si Brian les hubiera hablado...
    20,00€ 19,00€
  • Las Cinco Disfunciones De Un Equipo

    • 224 páginas
    • Después de dos semanas en su nuevo empleo como Directora General de DecisionTech, Kathryn Petersen sintió enormes dudas sobre su decisión de aceptar ese trabajo. Sin embargo, Kathryn sabía que había pocas posibilidades...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • The Patrick Lencioni Box Set 2016

    • Inspire and transform your team and your organization . Patrick Lencioni's..
    241,80€ 229,71€
  • Tod Durch Meeting 2e – Eine Leadership–fabel Zur Verbesserung Ihrer Besprechungskultur

    • 244 páginas
    • Casey McDaniel war noch nie in seinem Leben so nervös gewesen. In 10 Minuten sollte DAS Meeting beginnen, und Casey hatte allen Grund zur Annahme, dass sein Auftritt während der nächsten 2 Stunden ü...
    21,37€ 20,30€
  • The Motive: Why So Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important Responsibilities

    • 192 páginas
    • Encuadernación: Rústica Shay was still angry but shrugged nonchalantly as if to say, it's not that big of a deal. "So, what am I wrong about?"
    25,76€ 24,47€
  • Humble, Hungry, Smart: The Three Universal Traits Of Great Team Players

    • 240 páginas
    • In his classic book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team , Patrick Lencioni laid out a groundbreaking approach for tackling the perilous group behaviors that destroy teamwork. Here he turns his focus to the individual, revealing the three indispensable virtue...
    26,11€ 24,81€
  • 219,55€ 208,58€
  • Die Fünf Versuchungen Eines Ceo

    • 130 páginas
    • Das Entstehen von Patrick Lencionis erstem Buch "Die fünf Versuchungen eines CEO" ist mehr oder weniger auf einen Zufall zurückzuführen. Im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit als Unternehmensberater fiel ihm auf, dass es einige wenige...
    21,37€ 20,30€
  • Die 5 Dysfunktionen Eines Teams

    • 186 páginas
    • Nach ihren ersten zwei Wochen als neuer CEO von DecisionTech fragte sich Kathryn Petersen angesichts der dortigen Probleme, ob es wirklich richtig gewesen war, den Job anzunehmen. Sie war eigentlich froh über die neue Aufgabe gewesen. Doch hatte sie...
    21,37€ 20,30€
  • The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team: Facilitator's Guide Set

    • 400 páginas
    • "Based on my work with executive teams over the past ten years, I've come to the conclusion that teamwork remains the single most untapped competitive advantage for any organization. Whether you work in a corporation, a non-profit, or a small,...
    239,98€ 227,98€
  • The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team: Team Assessment

    • 8 páginas
    • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop Team Assessment is a 38-item paper handout that is an excellent team development tool. A key component of the facilitator-lead Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop, the Team Assessment delivers what the name implie...
    19,99€ 18,99€
  • The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team Participant Workbook: A Workshop For Team Leaders

    • Based on the best-selling leadership fable, "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," the new edition of..
    66,62€ 63,29€
  • The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team Participant Workbook: A Workshop For Teams

    • "Based on my work with executive teams over the past ten years, I've come to the conclusion that..
    66,62€ 63,29€
  • The Advantage

    • 216 páginas
    • There is a competitive advantage out there, arguably more powerful than any other. Is it superior strategy? Faster innovation? Smarter employees? No, New York Times best-selling author, Patrick Lencioni, argues that the seminal difference between successf...
    28,18€ 26,77€
  • Getting Naked

    • 240 páginas
    • Another extraordinary business fable from the "New York Times" bestselling author Patrick..
    25,15€ 23,89€
  • Die 5 Dysfunktionen Eines Teams - Der Manga

    • 180 páginas
    • Gibt es sie wirklich - optimale Teams? Zu oft werden sie durch menschliches Fehlverhalten der einzelnen Teammitglieder bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgabe behindert und sind nicht mehr als ein Idealbild gemeinsam erbrachter Leistung.
    21,37€ 20,30€
  • Three Big Questions For A Frantic Family

    • 240 páginas
    • Having experienced the stress of a frantic family firsthand, the author and his wife began applying some of the tools he uses with Fortune 500 companies at home, and with surprising results. This book looks at the most important organization in our li...
    27,08€ 25,73€
  • The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team, Manga Edition

    • 250 páginas
    • Beautifully illustrated by Kensuke Okabayashi, this enthralling edition of Patrick Lencioni's massive bestseller gives readers a new format in which to understand the fascinating, complex world of teams. Kathryn Petersen, Decision Tech's CEO, faces...
    27,08€ 25,73€
  • The Five Temptations Of A Ceo

    • 160 páginas
    • When it was published ten years ago, The Five Temptations of a CEO was like no other business book that came before. Highly sought-after management consultant Patrick Lencioni deftly told the tale of a young CEO who, facing his first annual board review,...
    25,15€ 23,89€