Porque lo que Lao Tzu está diciendo, lo está diciendo: ¡Vive aquí y ahora! ¡Esto es una locura! Porque un hombre razonable siempre sacrifica el hoy por el mañana. Dice: "Viviré mañana. Cuando las...
Tao Te King es el libro más importante del pensamiento taoísta y la filosofía taoísta. El libro, según la leyenda, se escribió alrededor del año 600 AEC y su autor es Lao Tse, "El Viejo Maestro"....
In a world of endless striving, this ancient text reveals a counterintuitive path: let go, and find true strength. The Tao Te Ching explores the mysterious Tao, a force that moves through all things, showing how peace and fulfillment emerge when we live...
The book: "Tao-Teh-King" or The Way of the Tao, as it is called here, is a small book in 81 short chapters by Lao-Tzu (571 B.C.) comprising the cream of the sageâs experience. "It is true that what Lao-Tzu has said is 2,500...
Tao Te Ching , traditionally attributed to Lao Tzu, is a cornerstone of Taoism, delving into its philosophical and religious tenets. The text, known for its poetic and paradoxical style, consists of 81 brief chapters exploring the nature of Tao (the Way)...
The Tao and Its Characteristics is one of the world's oldest and most influential documents. Its view of the mind and its place in the world, paradoxically simple and profound, continue to perplex, excite and inspire today.
Herrymon Maurer (1914-1998) has created a remarkable new translation of the Tao Teh Ching, inspired by a Quaker understanding of simplicity and religious experience and informed by his immersion in Chinese culture during a 1939-1941 sojourn in rural Sichu...