Frank Frazetta ha sido el rey indiscutible del arte fantástico durante 50 años, y su fama no ha dejado de crecer en los años transcurridos desde su muerte. Ahora que sus pinturas baten récords en subastas (Egyptian Queen se...
"Dana Schutz emerged in the early 2000s at a time when painting was slowly beginning to reclaim its central role in contemporary practice, following a decade defined by conceptual and visual experimentation. As if to reflect that moment in history,...
Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed king of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the 12 years since his death. With his paintings now breaking auction records (Egyptian Queen sold for $ 5.4 million in 2019) he's long overdue...
003cp003e003cb003eThe definitive study of the work of KAWS, one of the most influential and much-loved forces in contemporary art and culture003c/b003e003cbr003e003c/p003e003cp003eKAWS is one of the most popular and recognizable contemporary artists, whos...