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Libros de Teresa de Lauretis

  • Diferencias

    • 218 páginas
    18,00€ 17,10€
  • Cine, Interculturalidad Y Políticas De Género

    • 192 páginas
    • Este libro argumenta en favor de un trabajo crítico que haga hincapié, por un lado, en la Semiótica como Teoría general de la comunicación y de la producción / reproducción socio-ideológica y, por...
    15,50€ 14,72€
  • Alice Doesn't

    • 220 páginas
    • "There is hardly a page in this collection of hard-thought and brilliantly written essays that does not yield some new insight." —Hayden White
    23,00€ 21,85€
  • Figures Of Resistance: Essays In Feminist Theory

    • 320 páginas
    • The changing face of feminist discourse as reflected by the career of one of its preeminent..
    20,39€ 19,37€
  • The Practice Of Love

    • In an eccentric reading of Freud through Laplanche and the Lacanian and feminist revisions, Teresa de Lauretis delineates a model of "perverse" desire and a theory of lesbian sexuality as represented in Radclyffe Hall’s novel...
    22,91€ 21,77€
  • Technologies Of Gender

    • 168 páginas
    • "Technologies of Gender builds a bridge between the fashionable orthodoxies of academic theory (Lacan, Foucault, Derrida, et al.) and the frequently-marginalized contributions of feminist theory. . In sum, de Lauretis has written a book that should...
    16,92€ 16,07€