En esta fabulosa retrospectiva ilustrada a todo color, el lector descubrirá como florecieron los videojuegos desde sus humildes orígenes como hobby de los programadores de los laboratorios de informática hasta convertirse en una indus...
Dr. Timothy Johnson and the 6x iTunes chart-topping podcast host and award-winning business coach, Clay Clark team up to teach their secrets for building a multi-million dollar time and financial freedom producing medical business including:
""Micorosoft Project 2000 paso a paso"" es la forma más rápida y fácil de aprender a utilizar la última versión del potente programa de manejo de proyectos de Microsoft. Con este libro usted aprenderá...
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Project 2019. Jump in wherever you need answers-brisk lessons and informative screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step. Other Project users will want to grab this book as well....
One of the most important public figures in antebellum America, Winfield Scott is known today more for his swagger than his sword. "Old Fuss-and-Feathers" was a brilliant military commander whose tactics and strategy were innovative adaptations...
Dr. Timothy Johnson, medical editor for ABC News, discloses his deeply personal journey of faith, investigating the plausibility of Godâs existence and exploring the significance of the person of Jesus. Despite all the difficulties of...
Experience learning made easy—and quickly teach yourself how to manage your projects with Project 2007. With Step By Step, you set the pace—building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them!
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