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Libros de Robert C. Allen

  • Historia Ekonomiko Globala. Sarrera Labur Bat

    • 146 páginas
    • Zergatik dira herrialde batzuk aberatsak, eta beste batzuk pobreak? Sarrera labur honetan, Robert C. Allen-ek geografiaren, globalizazioaren, aldaketa teknologikoaren, politika ekonomikoaren eta erakundeen elkarreragina aztertzen du, munduko herrialdeen...
    15,00€ 14,25€
  • Revolución En Los Campos: La Reinterpretación De La Revolución Agrícola Inglesa

    • 265 páginas
    • En este volumen se reúnen varios trabajos de investigación en los que el autor critica la visión convencional de la revolución agrícola inglesa. Generalmente se ha admitido como hecho cierto que los requisitos imprescind...
    25,00€ 23,75€
  • The Industrial Revolution: A Very Short Introduction

    • The Industrial Revolution was a pivotal point in British history that occurred between the..
    12,56€ 11,94€
  • 136,24€ 129,43€
  • Creating Wealth

    • Popular speaker, multimillionaire, and author of the all-time bestselling real-estate book Nothing Down , Robert G. Allen knows how to bring you financial success. With his seminars sweeping the nation, Allen is at the cutting edge of strategic wealth...
    15,52€ 14,74€
  • Nothing Down For The 2000s

    • With more than a million copies in print, Robert Allen’s Nothing Down for the ’90s has probably helped more people achieve success in real estate than any book in history. Countless numbers of his readers are now financ...
    17,17€ 16,31€
  • 36,48€ 34,66€
  • Farm To Factory

    • To say that history’s greatest economic experiment--Soviet communism--was also its greatest economic failure is to say what many consider obvious. Here, in a startling reinterpretation, Robert Allen argues that the USSR was one of the...
    64,92€ 61,67€
  • 650,09€ 617,59€
  • The Television Studies Reader

    • The Television Studies Reader brings together key writings in the expanding field of television studies, providing an overview of the discipline and addressing issues of industry, genre, audiences, production and ownership, and representation.
    73,54€ 69,86€
  • Horrible Prettiness

    • Robert Allen’s compelling book examines burlesque not only as popular entertainment but also as a complex and transforming cultural phenomenon. When Lydia Thompson and her controversial female troupe of "British Blondes" brought...
    60,60€ 57,57€