John Boyd is back to delight readers of his superb first novel, The Last Starship from Earth. Robert A. Heinlein wrote of it: "This is the best anti-Utopia, the strongest satire on trends in our present culture, I have seen since '1984' appeared....
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Lucifer Effect comes a breakthrough book that draws on thirty years of pioneering research to reveal, for the first time, how your individual time perspective shapes your life and is shaped by the world...
Fast jede wichtige Entscheidung, die wir in unserem Leben treffen, wird von einer Kraft beeinflusst, die tief in unserer Psyche verankert ist: von unserer individuellen Zeitperspektive ? unserer persönlichen inneren Zeitzone. So wirksam diese Kraft...
Every significant choice, every important decision we make, is determined by our perception of time. This is the most influential force in our lives, yet we are virtually unaware of it. In this fascinating book, the award-winning past president of the...
In Capital Theory and Equilibrium Analysis and Recursive Utility, Robert Becker and John Boyd have synthesized their previously unpublished work on recursive models.