Veintitrés años atrás, la reina de belleza Peach Rondell había dejado Misisipí a sus espaldas y jurado que no regresaría nunca más. Ahora está de vuelta, divorciada y con el corazón roto, e...
El concepto de causalidad es fundamental para asignar responsabilidad, moral y jurídica, por eventos. Pero la relación entre la causalidad y la responsabilidad permanece poco clara. ¿Cuál es, exactamente, la conexión...
"El libro es una carga de profundidad en toda regla contra el sistema norteamericano, pero en la línea jocosa y divertida de Bowling for Columbine". El Periódico de Catalunya
PETERBOROGH Please Slow Down is the story of a small town with a rich history set on Victoriaâs spectacular Great Ocean Road. It is a story about nation building, intrepid pioneers, mysterious shipwrecks and generations of families linke...
Michael Kevin Mooreâs Over 20 Years of Disaster is a hard-hitting, true depiction of the all-encompassing ills of the criminal lifestyle. Michal Kevin Moore brings you into his world of drugs, crime, money, mayhem and murder, with a non-...
Veteran high school theatre teacher Michael Moore wrote these scenes to assist classroom theatre teachers in developing their students acting skills. There are no cuttings here each one-minute scene is complete with a beginning, middle, and end. To simpli...
From his introduction: A ride on a magic carpet is a wonderful thing. It allows you to see the past, the present and takes you into the future. It can give you new perspectives, offer up lessons and provide you with wild adventures. A magic carpet can...
Stupid White Men tells you everything you need to know about how the great and the good screw us over. It reveals - among other things - how 'President' Bush stole an election aided only by his brother, cousin, his dad's cronies, electoral...
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