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Libros de Paul Craig Roberts

  • La Antigua Roma En Cincuenta Monumentos

    • 256 páginas
    • El impacto que las ruinas monumentales de la antigua Roma tienen hoy sobre el visitante no pude ser sino pálido reflejo de lo que sintieron aquellos que las conocieron en su esplendor. ¿Cómo no sentirse deslumbrado, apabullado, insign...
    35,95€ 34,15€
  • Técnicas De Arte Digital Para Ilustradores Y Artistas

    • 224 páginas
    • Este libro escrito y presentado por dos especialistas, explica cómo utilizar los programas informáticos más comunes de creación de arte digital diseñados específicamente para artistas e ilustradores. Con él...
    5,95€ 5,65€
  • Hpi

    • 74 páginas
    • The cover was created by artist extraordinaire Thomas Ahearn. The drawing depicts The Trio which consists of Hoppy, The Demon Warrior aka Paul Dale Roberts flying his F-80 and Wishfire aka Deanna Jaxine Stinson flying towards the Sydney Opera House in...
    18,37€ 17,45€
  • Hpi

    • All of the latest stories from HPI (Halo Paranormal Investigations) from Paul Dale Roberts - Co-Owner of HPI and Deanna Jaxine Stinson - Psychic Medium, Co-Owner of HPI and Tarot Card Reader. The cover depicts The Trio consisting of Hoppy, The Demon Warri...
    9,25€ 8,78€
  • The Integrity Of Criminal Process: From Theory Into Practice

    • 408 páginas
    • Criminal proceedings, it is often now said, ought to be conducted with integrity. But what, exactly, does it mean for criminal process to have, or to lack, 'integrity'? Is integrity in this sense merely an aspirational normative ideal, with possibly...
    192,56€ 182,93€
  • British Rearmament In The Thirties

    • Here is a comprehensive analysis of rearmament under the Baldwin and Chamberlain governments. It reveals the primary determinants of events and provides important new information regarding the principal considerations underlying Chamberlainâ€&#...
    179,72€ 170,74€
  • British Rearmament In The Thirties

    • Here is a comprehensive analysis of rearmament under the Baldwin and Chamberlain governments. It reveals the primary determinants of events and provides important new information regarding the principal considerations underlying Chamberlainâ€&#...
    71,79€ 68,20€
  • Hpi Case Files Book 2

    • Follow the adventures of HPI (Hegelianism Paranormal Intelligence) as we investigate all things paranormal in Northern California and even internationally.
    22,01€ 20,91€
  • Hpi Supernatural Darkness Book 2

    • More adventures from the case files of HPI International (Hegelianism Paranormal Intelligence). With a few off subject articles and interviews for your reading enjoyment.
    24,06€ 22,85€
  • Healthcare Research

    • Research is an integral component of any undergraduate healthcare course, and is also vital for..
    74,09€ 70,39€
  • El Adn De Las Relaciones

    • Todo lo que en realidad importa en la vida se reduce a las relaciones. Por eso es que es tan importante aprender pasos seguros y saludables para las relaciones entre un padre y un adolesccente, dos almas gemelas o entre esposos. Features:Dios lo cre&oacut...
    15,46€ 14,69€
  • Dna Of Relationships For Couples

    • Shows readers the steps to take to build or rebuild their marriage relationship.
    20,03€ 19,03€
  • Images

    32,65€ 31,01€