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Libros de Scott Lash

  • Experience: New Foundations For The Human Sciences

    • This book is a radical plea for the centrality of experience in the social and human sciences. Lash
    22,38€ 21,26€
  • Sociología Del Posmodernismo

    • 336 páginas
    • El posmodernismo se ve primero aquí en su superficie. La potencia del análisis sociológico de Lash desgaja luego el fenómeno en diversos aspectos hasta componer con estos un gran cuadro de conjunto que lo lleva a proponer una...
    23,70€ 22,52€
  • Crítica De La Información

    • 384 páginas
    • La masiva presencia de los flujos globales de la información y las comunicaciones ha disuelto el espacio separado y autónomo necesario para la reflexión y la crítica. La uniformación de la cultura parece detener e invert...
    23,00€ 21,85€
  • Reflexive Modernization: Politics, Tradition And Aesthetics In The Modern Social Order

    • The theme of reflexivity has come to be central to social analysis. In this book three prominent..
    32,50€ 30,88€
  • The End Of Organised Capitalism

    • 383 páginas
    • The End of Organized Capitalism argues that - despite Marx's and Weber's insistence that capitalist societies become increasingly more ordered - we now live in an era of 'disorganized capitalism'. The book is devoted to a systematic examination...
    29,55€ 28,07€
  • Intensive Culture

    • Contemporary culture, today′s capitalism - our global information society - is..
    81,22€ 77,16€
  • Global Culture Industry

    • 252 páginas
    • Tells the story of how material objects such as watches and sports wear have become powerful cultural symbols, and how the production of symbols, in the form of globally recognized brands, has become a central goal of capitalism. This book is suitable...
    74,41€ 70,69€
  • 19,44€ 18,47€
  • Critique Of Information

    • This penetrating book raises questions about how power and resistance operate in contemporary..
    94,57€ 89,84€
  • Risk, Environment And Modernity

    • This wide-ranging and accessible contribution to the study of risk, ecology and environment helps..
    95,43€ 90,66€
  • Economies Of Signs And Space

    • Developing a comparative analysis of the UK and US, the new Germany and Japan, Lash and Urry show..
    93,96€ 89,27€
  • Another Modernity

    • This book is Lash's most comprehensive statement in social and cultural theory. It is a book..
    79,25€ 75,29€
  • Recognition And Difference

    • Are there any cultural universals left? Does multiculturalism inevitably involve a slide into moral
    257,87€ 244,97€