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Libros de Carole Pateman

  • 15,00€ 14,25€
  • Kontratu Sexuala

    • 428 páginas
    • Iraultza frantsesak «liberté, egalité, fraternité» aldarrikatuz ezarritako ordenak kontratu soziala jarri zuen indarrean, ustez askatasunean, berdintasunean eta elkartasunean oinarritzen zen ituna. Baina kontratu soziala...
    24,00€ 22,80€
  • Feminist Challenges

    • In Feminist Challenges , new and established scholars demonstrate the application of feminism in a range of academic disciplines including history, philosophy, politics, and sociology. As Carole Pateman notes in her introduction, ’all...
    69,28€ 65,82€
  • 25,00€ 23,75€
  • Participación Y Teoría Democrática

    • 192 páginas
    • Este libro constituye un desafío directo, lúcido e inteligente a los presupuestos de gran parte de la sociología y la ciencia política de Estados Unidos de América y Europa occidental. Toda ciencia social, implíci...
    21,00€ 19,95€
  • The Norman Conquest

    • Exploring the successful Norman invasion of England in 1066, this concise and readable book focuses especially on the often dramatic and enduring changes wrought by William the Conqueror and his followers. From the perspective of a modern social historian...
    76,59€ 72,76€
  • Participation And Democratic Theory

    • 122 páginas
    • Shows that current elitist theories are based on an inadequate understanding of the early writings of democratic theory and that much sociological evidence has been ignored.
    40,07€ 38,07€