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A2 Key for Schools Trainer 1 for the revised exam from 2020 Second edition Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook (9781009211512)

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Detalles del libro

EditorialCambridge University Press
Edición ed. (28/07/2022)
Dimensiones27,6 x 21,9 cm

Detalles del libro

Autor/esVarios autores
EditorialCambridge University Press
Edición1ª ed. (28/07/2022)
Dimensiones27,6 x 21,9 cm
41,89 €
1 a 15 días
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Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The 'with answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class,... Leer más

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Otra información de interés

  • Portada: A2 Key for Schools Trainer 1 for the revised exam from 2020 Second edition Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook, Cambridge University Press
  • Editorial: Cambridge University Press | 28/07/2022
  • Sinopsis:

    El libro A2 Key for Schools Trainer 1 for the revised exam from 2020 Second edition Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook con isbn 978-1-00-921151-2 tiene doscientas dieciséis páginas.

A2 Key for Schools Trainer 1 for the revised exam from 2020 Second edition Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook
A2 Key for Schools Trainer 1 for the revised exam from 2020 Second edition Six Practice Tests with Answers and Teacher’s Notes with Resources Download with eBook