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Blair Mallory, the stunning heroine of "To Die For," once more matches wits with a killer as she tries plan her wedding to police detective Wyatt Bloodsworth in this latest romantic thriller from the... Leer más
El autor de Drop Dead Gorgeous, con isbn 978-0-345-48658-5, es Linda Howard, esta publicación tiene trescientas cuarenta y siete páginas.
If you sense someone's watching you from afar, or if you feel a shadow other than your own at your back, I might as well pack it up and call it a day. It's a job that makes a killing. Efficient, professional, and without apology, Lily Mansfield is a hired
El autor de Drop Dead Gorgeous, con isbn 978-0-345-48658-5, es Linda Howard, esta publicación tiene trescientas cuarenta y siete páginas.
Otros libros de Howard, Linda son Pintar Sobre Cristal Fin Semana, Kill And Tell, Heart Of Fire, Lady Of The West, After The Night, Strangers In The Night, Up Close And Dangerous y Heartâs Desire. Ver su bibliografía.