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L'exili literari republicà

Paco Tovar; Manuel Fuentes Vázquez (ed. lit.)

Detalles del libro

EditorialPublicacions Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Edición1ª ed., 1ª imp.(10/2006)
Dimensiones24x18 cm
IdiomaEspañol, Catalán
ColecciónRecerca, 2

Detalles del libro

Autor/esPaco Tovar; Manuel Fuentes Vázquez (ed. lit.)
EditorialPublicacions Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Edición1ª ed., 1ª imp.(10/2006)
Dimensiones24x18 cm
IdiomaEspañol, Catalán
ColecciónRecerca, 2
13,00 €
1 a 7 días
Envío Gratis por compras superiores a 18€


The civil war of 1936–1939 led to the political exile of many Spaniards who had fought on the Republican front or had defended the Republic, out of different ideological beliefs, sometimes conflicting amongst themselves, but with the common ideal of the fight against fascism. Many intellectuals were forced to leave the country and the last few years have seen a desire to recover the historical memory of this diaspora. The work included in this book constitutes a contribution to the study and circulation of work by the peple who had to leave their land, with a hope of returning that was... Leer más

Los de este libro, con isbn 978-84-8424-083-9, son Manuel Fuentes Vázquez y Paco Tovar, esta publicación tiene ciento cincuenta y dos páginas.

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