At the age of thirteen, Blanca catches hepatitis which means that she is bed bound for two whole months. To entertain herself and encouraged by her mother, she begins to put together a photo album. The photos remind her of forgotten images which enable he
Nunca hubiera pensado que cincuenta minutos de silencio pudieran ser tan largos. Pero no diré ni pío, el señor Vallés se cansará y mamá se convencerá de que ir al psicólogo no sirve de nada. La culpa
Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-1-84974-465-2, son Jenny Dooley y Virginia Evans.
Otros libros de Evans, Virginia son English Issues 1. Workbook., Upstream A1+ S's Book, Information Technology Student's Book (with Digibooks), Computing Student's Book (with Digibooks), Upstream B1 S's Book, Upstream B2+ S's Book, Fce Use Of English 1 Student's Book With Digibooks (revised) y Architecture. Ver su bibliografía.
Otros libros de Dooley, Jenny son Grammar & Vocabulary Booster Level B2 Student's Book, Upstream B2 S's Book, On Screen B2+ Workbook & Grammar Book International, Gharial Crocodiles, The Killer Whale, The Humpback Whale, The Bottlenose Dolphin Reader y Acess 4º Eso Workbook Pack. Ver su bibliografía.