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Av. Doctor Manuel Domínguez, 6951 02 05 02
Av. Tres de Mayo, 71922 23 61 83
Multicentro Comercial El Trompo, Local P5A922 98 71 60
Calle José Franchy Roca, 13828 15 00 80
C/ Marqués de Fontsanta, 6971 46 53 61
(punto de recogida) Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 594, (Librería Hispano Americana)933 18 05 08
Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-1-919713-16-8, son William Kentridge y Jane Taylor, esta publicación tiene ochenta y cuatro páginas.
Otros libros de Taylor, Jane son The Original Poems And Others / By Ann And Jane Taylor And Adelaide O'keeffe, Edited By E. V. Lucas, With Illustrations By F. D. Bedford, Tales, Essays And Poems, The Spinning House Affair, The Transplant Men, Promoting Health: The Primary Health Care Approach, Hymns For Infant Minds: By The Authors Of Original Poems, Rhymes For The Nursery, &c. [ann And Jane Taylor, The Writings Of Jane Taylor: Correspondence Between A Mother And Her Daughter At School V5 y Rachel. Ver su bibliografía.
Otros libros de Kentridge, William son El Que No Està Dibuixat / That Which Is Not Drawn, Seis Lecciones De Dibujo, Words: A Collation, Constable's White Horse, That Which Is Not Drawn: Conversations, Accounts And Drawings From Underground: The East Rand Proprietary Mines Cash Book, Accounts And Drawings From Underground: The East Rand Proprietary Mines Cash Book, 1906 y Six Drawing Lessons. Ver su bibliografía.
Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-1-919713-16-8, son William Kentridge y Jane Taylor, esta publicación tiene ochenta y cuatro páginas.
Otros libros de Taylor, Jane son The Original Poems And Others / By Ann And Jane Taylor And Adelaide O'keeffe, Edited By E. V. Lucas, With Illustrations By F. D. Bedford, Tales, Essays And Poems, The Spinning House Affair, The Transplant Men, Promoting Health: The Primary Health Care Approach, Hymns For Infant Minds: By The Authors Of Original Poems, Rhymes For The Nursery, &c. [ann And Jane Taylor, The Writings Of Jane Taylor: Correspondence Between A Mother And Her Daughter At School V5 y Rachel. Ver su bibliografía.
Otros libros de Kentridge, William son El Que No Està Dibuixat / That Which Is Not Drawn, Seis Lecciones De Dibujo, Words: A Collation, Constable's White Horse, That Which Is Not Drawn: Conversations, Accounts And Drawings From Underground: The East Rand Proprietary Mines Cash Book, Accounts And Drawings From Underground: The East Rand Proprietary Mines Cash Book, 1906 y Six Drawing Lessons. Ver su bibliografía.