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Claude C. Hopkins (18661932) was one of the great advertising pioneers. He believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measured and justified by the results it produced.
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El autor de Scientific Advertising, con isbn 978-1-60444-842-9, es Claude C. Hopkins.
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El autor de Scientific Advertising, con isbn 978-1-60444-842-9, es Claude C. Hopkins.
Otros libros de Hopkins, Claude C. son My Life In Advertising And Scientific Advertising, Scientific Advertising, Scientific Advertising: A Foundational Text In The Field Of Advertising, Claude C. Hopkinsâ Scientific Advertising With My Life In Advertising, How To Be A Marketing Genius: Scientific Advertising Revisited And Revitalized For Today, Scientific Advertising, Scientific Advertising y Scientific Advertising - Masters Of Marketing Secrets. Ver su bibliografía.