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Scientific Advertising is a book written by Claude C Hopkins and is cited by many advertising and marketing personalities (such as David Ogilvy, Gary Halbert, and Jay Abraham) Claude Hopkins, the... Leer más
El autor de Scientific Advertising, con isbn 978-935--898788-1, es Claude C. Hopkins.
Claude Hopkins, the... Leer más
El autor de Scientific Advertising, con isbn 978-935--898788-1, es Claude C. Hopkins.
Otros libros de Hopkins, Claude C. son My Life In Advertising And Scientific Advertising, Scientific Advertising: A Foundational Text In The Field Of Advertising, Claude C. Hopkinsâ Scientific Advertising With My Life In Advertising, How To Be A Marketing Genius: Scientific Advertising Revisited And Revitalized For Today, Scientific Advertising, Scientific Advertising, Scientific Advertising y Scientific Advertising - Masters Of Marketing Secrets. Ver su bibliografía.