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Libros de Donald Miller

  • Un Héroe Con Una Misión

    • 224 páginas
    • Existen cuatro personajes en toda historia: la víctima, el villano, el héroe y el guía. Cada uno de ellos habita en cada uno de nosotros. Si interpretamos a la víctima, estamos condenados al fracaso. Si interpretamos al villano...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • Marketing Simple

    • 224 páginas
    • Del mismo autor de "Cómo construir una Storybrand" llega una guía fácil y práctica para desarrollar una estrategia de marketing digital de forma simple y efectiva.
    16,00€ 15,20€
  • Tal Como El Jazz

    • «Nunca me gustó el jazz, porque ea música no tiene sentido.. Tampoco solía gustarme Dios..
    13,68€ 12,99€
  • How To Grow Your Small Business: A 6-step Plan To Help Your Business Take Off

    • New York Times b estselling author, Donald Miller, makes growing a small..
    27,07€ 25,72€
  • Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-step Storybrand Guide For Any Business

    • This guide from New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller, is a must-have for any..
    22,24€ 21,12€
  • Building A Storybrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

    • 256 páginas
    • New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller uses the seven universal..
    24,06€ 22,85€
  • Building A Storybrand

    • 228 páginas
    • More than half-a-million business leaders have discovered the power of the StoryBrand Framework, created by New York Times best-selling author and marketing expert Donald Miller. And they are making millions.
    17,49€ 16,62€
  • Hero On A Mission

    • There are four roles we play in life---Victim, Villain, Hero, and Guide. New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller teaches us how to recognize when we are playing the Victim or the Villain and how to shift to become the Hero or the Guide.
    17,57€ 16,69€
  • Hero On A Mission Guided Planner

    • Based on the book by New York Times..
    24,17€ 22,96€
  • Beyond Benefit Cost Analysis: Accounting For Non-market Values In Planning Evaluation

    • Illustrated by case studies from Europe, North America and the Middle East, this book examines how..
    39,50€ 37,52€
  • El Amor Hace

    • El amor hace comparte historias impactantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras y habilita a todo el que ansía un mundo mejor y fe abundante.Lo que necesitas no es otro mensaje cristiano o un libro de autoayuda.
    13,80€ 13,11€
  • Catalogue Of Museum Of Natural History And Miscellaneous Antiquities, Curios, &c.

    • This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. We have represented this book in the same form as it was first published. Hence any...
    13,66€ 12,97€
  • Un Largo Camino De Mil Años

    • Lleno de anécdotas hermosas, hilarantes y conmovedoras, Un largo camino de mil años relata la oportunidad de un hombre de editar su vida como si fuera un personaje de una película.
    19,21€ 18,25€
  • Lafayette

    • Lafayette was a charming French soldier who became like a son to George Washington and rose to lead troops in Virginia during the American Revolution. But what happened to him upon his return to France?
    43,42€ 41,25€
  • Lafayette

    • 444 páginas
    • Lafayette was a charming French soldier who became like a son to George Washington and rose to lead troops in Virginia during the American Revolution. But what happened to him upon his return to France?
    31,89€ 30,29€
  • Examination Of Conscience For Adults: A Comprehensive Examination Of Conscience Based On Twelve Virtues For The Twelve Months Of The Year

    • This is an excellent examination of conscience, focusing on a different virtue each month of the..
    7,69€ 7,30€
  • 94,04€ 89,33€
  • Blue Like Jazz

    • In print for nearly a decade, Blue Like Jazz has earned a coveted spot on readers’ shelves and in their hearts. Many have said that Donald Miller expressed exactly what they were feeling but couldn’t find the words to...
    24,20€ 22,99€
  • A Million Miles In A Thousand Years

    • After writing a successful memoir, Donald Miller’s life stalled. During what should have been the height of his success, he found himself unwilling to get out of bed, avoiding responsibility, even questioning the meaning of life. But...
    24,75€ 23,51€
  • The Open Table Participant’s Guide

    • The Open Table introduces believers and nonbelievers to the..
    10,95€ 10,40€