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Throughout history, most Christians have believed that Adam and Eve were actual persons, of whom we are all descendants. Some Christians today, however, readily dismiss the historical consensus,... Leer más
El autor de Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?, con isbn 978-1-4335-2425-7, es John N. Collins.
El autor de Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?, con isbn 978-1-4335-2425-7, es John N. Collins.
Otros libros de Collins, John N. son Los Diáconos Y La Iglesia, Hr Management In The Forensic Science Laboratory: A 21st Century Approach To Effective Crime Lab Leadership, The Invention Of Judaism: Torah And Jewish Identity From Deuteronomy To Paul, Martial Law And English Laws, C.1500-c.1700, Science & Faith, The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book, A Dictionary Of Spanish Proverbs: Compil y Chomsky. Ver su bibliografía.