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HR Management in the Forensic Science Laboratory: A 21st Century Approach to Effective Crime...
El autor de HR Management in the Forensic Science Laboratory: A 21st Century Approach to Effective Crime Lab Leadership, con isbn 978-0-12-801237-6, es John N. Collins.
El autor de HR Management in the Forensic Science Laboratory: A 21st Century Approach to Effective Crime Lab Leadership, con isbn 978-0-12-801237-6, es John N. Collins.
Otros libros de Collins, John N. son Los Diáconos Y La Iglesia, The Invention Of Judaism: Torah And Jewish Identity From Deuteronomy To Paul, Martial Law And English Laws, C.1500-c.1700, Science & Faith, Did Adam And Eve Really Exist?, The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book, A Dictionary Of Spanish Proverbs: Compil y Chomsky. Ver su bibliografía.