In a world scarred by an apocalyptic past, four people are swept up in the launch of an imminent crusade, during which they are ensnared by mysterious traveler Anasûrimbor Kellhus,... Leer más
El autor de The Darkness That Comes Before, con isbn 978-1-59020-118-3, es R. Scott Bakker, esta publicación tiene seiscientas ocho páginas.
El autor de The Darkness That Comes Before, con isbn 978-1-59020-118-3, es R. Scott Bakker, esta publicación tiene seiscientas ocho páginas.
Otros libros de Bakker, R. Scott son Evil Is A Matter Of Perspective, The Thousandfold Thought, The Unholy Consult, The Judging Eye, The Aspect-emperor 01., The Thousandfold Thought, The Darkness That Comes Before y Warrior-prophet.