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Libros de Victoria Lee

  • Un Salto De Fe

    • 352 páginas
    • Elisheva Cohen acaba de volver a Nueva York tras pasar casi una década fuera de la ciudad. Si bien las heridas del pasado no han cicatrizado del todo, que lleve cuatro años sobria y le hayan concedido una beca para estudiar fotografía...
    18,50€ 17,58€
  • Una Lección De Tinta Y Venganza

    • 384 páginas
    • Un thriller oscuro y retorcido sobre un internado centenario atormentado por su historia de brujería, y dos chicas muy cerca de desenterrar su pasado. El romance peligroso y el entorno atmosférico la convierten en una lectura perfecta para...
    18,00€ 17,10€
  • A Shot In The Dark

    • A passionate and powerful romance featuring a transgender man and an ex-Orthodox woman who find..
    16,19€ 15,38€
  • The Arts Of The Microbial World: Fermentation Science In Twentieth-century Japan

    • 333 páginas
    • The Arts of the Microbial World explores the significance of fermentation phenomena, both as life processes and as technologies, in Japanese scientific culture. Victoria Lee’s careful study documents how Japanese scientists and skilled...
    50,53€ 48,01€
  • The Electric Heir

    • In the sequel to The Fever King, Noam lvaro seeks to end tyranny before he becomes a..
    13,54€ 12,86€
  • The Fever King

    • In the former United States, sixteen-year-old Noam lvaro wakes up in a hospital bed, the sole..
    9,64€ 9,16€
  • A Lesson In Vengeance

    • 381 páginas
    • The history of Dalloway School lives in the bones it was built on. Five violent deaths in the first ten years of its existence. Sometimes you can still smell the blood on the air.
    11,18€ 10,62€
  • Tappi Shuffle’s Shiny Black Tap Shoes

    • Discover adorable freckle-faced Tappi Shuffle as she tries everything under the sun to "make" her very own pair of tap shoes so she too can be like the famous "tippity tappity" dancers she saw on the "big stage". Tappi’s...
    23,21€ 22,05€