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The Colle and London are opening systems for White starting with 1 d4. They are very popular choices at club level and for two very good reasons:1. Both openings are easy to learn and understand.2.... Leer más
El autor de First Steps, con isbn 978-1-78194-367-0, es Cyrus Lakdawala.
El autor de First Steps, con isbn 978-1-78194-367-0, es Cyrus Lakdawala.
Otros libros de Lakdawala, Cyrus son Defensa Caro Kann,la, Defensa Eslava, La, The Anti-alapin Gambit: Death To The 2.c3 Sicilian, The Makogonov Variation: A Ruthless King's Indian Killer, The Greatest Attacker In Chess: The Enigmatic Rashid Nezhmetdinov, Tactical Training In The Endgame, Nepomniachtchi y Rewire Your Chess Brain. Ver su bibliografía.